VFA Recommended Books


Trina Robbins



Can you imagine that an Amazon Queen once owned all the gold in California? This fantasy story for children in Spanish and English is based on an old legend first written down in Spain in 1510 by Garcia de Montalvo about a beautiful Amazon Queen named Califia and her tbbe of women warriors. They fly about their island on griffins, mythical beasts that are half eagle and half lion. They almost meet their downfall when ambition drives Queen Califia and her warriors over the seas to Constantinople to wage war with the Turks against the Spanish.

Spanish and English. 
ISBN 970-91841-2-1 
Cover in color, 28 pages 14 full page illustrations. 
For ages 6 to 12 years.

PRICE: $7.95

To order: Send price of book plus $3.50 for postage and handling. It's Mexico, so allow a month for delivery. They are worth the wait.

Send check to:

Penelope Boccaccio
934 East Grandview Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85022

Phone: 602-499-9960

You can contact Trina through: sjboccaccio2000@yahoo.com

A click on the author’s name will bring up a description/review in some cases a picture of the cover of the book.
Many will be available in your local library. If not, ask the librarian to order.
For purchase, try Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

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